Thursday, September 29, 2011

Korea Under Japanese Rule

Korea was annexed by Japan in 1910

  Korea was under Japanese rule as part of Japan's 35-year imperialist expansion.  From 1910 to 1945.  During Japanese Occupation of Korea, many Koreans became victims of Japanese war crimes.

  Koreans and many Asians were experimented on in Unit 731, a secret military medical experimentation unit. The victims who died in the camp included at least 25 victims from the former Soviet Union, Mongolia and Korea. And the forced labor toll for Korea came to 450,000 in Japanese prosper.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  Koreans were treated very badly and were used for many things in their own country by the japanese.  Finally Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945.  Koreans were not allowed to publish there own newspaper or organize poitical groups until 1921.